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English Grammar Exercises with answers Part 1-5: Your quest towards C2 by Daniel B. Smith Overview: English Grammar Exercises with answers Part 1-5: Your quest towards C2 by Daniel B. Smith Daniel Smith is the author of "Muses, Madmen, and Prophets" and a contributor to numerous publications, including The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, and Slate. Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Grammar Image Image Image Image Image English Grammar Exercises with answers Part 1: Your quest towards

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['English Grammar: Master in 30 Days is a comprehensive reference on the subject of English Grammar. It is organized into easy to master lessons with examples that are easy to understand.', 'Lessons for IELTS Writing is a part of a series of educational materials designed specifically for students in Eastern countries to prepare for the IELTS exam. It focuses on the writing skill, which is considered one of the most difficult challenges.']

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This page provides an overview of two bestselling textbooks on second language acquisition. The first book, 'Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course, Third Edition' by Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker, covers a range of areas of second language research including sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and linguistic perspectives. The second book, 'Introducing Second Language Acquisition' by Muriel Saville-Troike, is a clear and practical introduction to second language acquisition, explaining how a second language is acquired, what the learner needs to know, and why some learners are more successful than others. Both books are written for students encountering the topic for the first time and provide discussion questions and/or problems for students to put their knowledge to use.

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Зарегистрируйтесь на зимние потоки CAE/FCE marathons, которые пройдут с 24 января по 19 апреля. Вас ждут 12 тематических недель, 12 ментальных карт с лексикой по теме недели, детальный разбор всех частей экзамена на примере изучаемых материалов, реальные примеры writing и speaking каждую неделю, проверка письма и говорения каждую неделю, а также дополнительные задания по теме недели для самых активных. Удобнейшая навигация по группе, заданиям, а также частям экзамена. Количество мест ограничено, поэтому спешите зарегистрироваться. Отзывы можно посмотреть по ссылке.

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